Drupalcon 2018: Configcon!

Drupalcon Nashville has now come and gone. The growing lineup of different tracks in conference sessions has presented me a unique problem: too many interesting sessions! Given my role as a web developer at our organization, rather than a content manager or creator, I focused on the development side of things with my session attendance, and it was a pretty good sampling to choose from.

For me, this conference was the Configcon, where I attended multiple sessions about the Drupal config system and general developer tools. All in all, I would call it a success.

For future reference for myself, here are videos of sessions that I attended:

  1. Monday: Theming Drupal 8 from Drupalize.me staff
  2. Composer 101
  3. Journey to the Drupal Heart – Symfony 3 basics and a bit beyond (audio only)
  4. Top Drupal 8 Modules
  5. Advanced Configuration Management in Drupal 8
  6. Drupal and Libraries birds of a feather (one of my favorite events at Drupalcon)
  7. OOP the Pokemon Journey
  8. Configuration Management for Humans
  9. Seniors and UX Designing for Baby Boomers and Beyond
  10. Defense in Depth: Lessons Learned from Securing 200,000 Websites
  11. What’s Possible with WordPress 5.0

Here are some other sessions I wish I attended and which I am saving here for later viewing:

  1. Crazy Tricks with Views
  2. Building a Great User Experience for Content Editors
  3. Usability Testing is Super Important and Easier than You Think
  4. A Farewell to Twig
  5. Javascript and Accessibility: Don’t Blame the Language
  6. A Smarter Way to Test Accessibility
  7. Media Module in Core: Setting Up a Drupal 8 Media Library

Lots more to discover on the conference site and Youtube page!

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